cervical spinal nerve 2 câu
spinal nerve
Now scanning pons area at spinal nerve fiber connection.Bây giờ quét khu vực cầu não ở bó sợi thần kinh kết nối cột sống. This can hel...

Wear a soft cervical collar to prevent Lhermitte’s sign.Mang cổ áo mềm để tránh dấu hiệu của bệnh Lhermitte. For example, you may get ...

But no one's worked out how to fix the spinal cord yet.Nhưng chẳng ai biết làm thế nào để chữa tủy sống. She and Taub are doing a spin...

You got a lot of nerve comin' in here after what you did. - Didn't you hear?Ông gan lắm mới dám tới đây, sau những chuyện đã làm. Fire...

cervical canal
Polyps can sometimes grow inside the cervical canal.Polyp đôi khi có thể mọc bên trong ống cổ tử cung. In addition, after giving birth...

cervical cancer
What do you want women to know about cervical cancer and risks?Phụ nữ cần biết gì về rung nhĩ và nguy cơ đột quỵ? If you have cervical...

cervical fracture
It appears to have been a slip and fall. Cervical fracture, massive hematoma.Hình như cô ấy đã bị trượt chân và ngã gãy cổ tử cung, tụ ...

cervical rib
This is longer than the longest Sauroposeidon cervical rib, which measures 3.42 m (11.2 ft).Nó dài hơn xương sườn cổ tử cung dài nhất c...

cervical smear
For women this may include a cervical smear test.Điều này có thể bao gồm xét nghiệm Pap smear cho phụ nữ. When did you last have a cer...

cervical vertebrae
"Motion analysis of cervical vertebrae during whiplash loading."“Motion phân tích của đốt sống cổ tử cung trong thời gian tải Whiplash....

cervical weakness
Premature birth can also be caused because of pregnancy issues as well, which include cervical weakness, bacterial infection in the vag...

It is true that at a later stage of evolution psychic sensitiveness reappears, but it is then developed in connection with the cerebro-...

spinal anaesthesia
Spinal anaesthesia is the technique of choice for Caesarean section as it avoids a general anaesthetic and the risk of failed intubatio...

spinal column
You will become capable of seeing your spinal column.Bạn sẽ trở nên có năng lực thấy cột sống của bạn. But that light is always concen...

spinal cord
But no one's worked out how to fix the spinal cord yet.Nhưng chẳng ai biết làm thế nào để chữa tủy sống. The damage to her spinal cord...

spinal marrow
Stage 3 is spinal marrow inflammation, at this stage the patient is very painful and may spread pain, migraine.Giai đoạn 3 là viêm tủy ...

spinal meningitis
Ruth Graham has been in frail health since suffering spinal meningitis in 1995.Sức khỏe của Ruth Graham đã rất yếu kể từ khi bị viêm tu...

spinal nerves
There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves including:Mỗi người có tất cả 31 đôi dây thần kinh gai sống gồm: A pair of spinal nerves comes out...

spinal paralysis
It is also used in spinal paralysis.Nó cũng được sử dụng trong rối loạn lưỡng cực.

spinal reflex
They are generated by the bulbospongiosus and pubococcygeus muscles[5] under the control of a spinal reflex at the level of the spinal ...

the spinal chord
The animal was left unable to breathe and unable to move as the spinal chord was not connected properly.Con vật không thể tự thở cũng n...

the spinal column
But that light is always concentrated around the spinal column.Nhưng ánh sáng đó bao giờ cũng tập trung quanh cột sống. For instance, ...

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
When HPV infection persists, the time from initial infection to development of high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and, final...

cervical lymph nodes
In some patients with physical examination revealed redness of the mucous membrane of the throat, an increase and soreness of the occip...

deaths from cervical cancer
But between 1955 and 1992 the number of deaths from cervical cancer declined by 74%.Giữa năm 1955 và 1992, tỷ lệ tử vong do ung thư cổ ...